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Children's Groups & Workshops

Listed below are common group and workshop topics.  These workshops and groups are offered on an as-needed basis.  If  you are interested in one or more of the groups or workshops please contact us today.  


Helping Children with Worried Feelings 

Parents often seek therapy for children who are experiencing anxiety and stress.  Children are presented with numerous stressors and are very vulnerable to their negative effects.  If stress and anxiety become excessive and children do not have the coping skills to manage their symptoms, they can develop psychological and behavioral problems.  These can include school related problems, sleep disturbances, fears, nervous habits, eating problems, depression, and poor self-esteem (just to name a few!).  This workshop will help children develop strategies for reducing stress and dealing with anxiety.  Strategies to be taught include progressive muscle relaxation, thought stopping techniques, and problem solving skills.


Helping Children Deal with Angry Feelings 

Many children need help channeling angry feelings in socially appropriate ways.  This workshop is designed to help children develop strategies to deal with their angry feelings.  Strategies to be taught include identifying triggers, calming down, problem-solving, reflecting choices, and dealing with consequences from parents, teachers, and other authority figures.


Helping Children Cope with Grief and Loss

Children experience losses of various kinds: death of a significant person, divorce, inability to live with biological parent(s), loss of a beloved pet, etc.  Many factors affect how children deal with losses in their lives including their personal experiences, stage of development, adult guidance and their innate abilities.  How children deal with loss early in life will affect how they deal with loss as adults.  This workshop will focus on helping children cope with grief and loss by giving information regarding the stages of grief, building self-confidence, and developing coping skills.


Helping Children Cope: Dealing with Intense, Uncomfortable Feelings 

Many children need help learning to cope with unpleasant feelings, such as anger and worry.  Children may not have the knowledge and/or necessary skills to channel angry and anxious feelings in socially appropriate ways.  Children are presented with numerous stressors and are very vulnerable to their negative effects.  If stress becomes excessive and children do not have the coping skills to manage their stress, they can develop psychological and behavioral problems. These can include school related problems, outbursts of anger, meltdowns, sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression and poor self-esteem (just to name a few!).

This group is designed to help children deal with their intense feelings and develop strategies for reducing stress and behavioral problems.  Coping skills to be taught are identifying triggers and stressors, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, thought stopping techniques, problem solving skills and reflecting on choices.


Mindfulness Group for Anxiety for Teens (13-18) and Young Adults (18-24)

This group is an eight week group using a specific curriculum designed to help teens and young adults use mindfulness and cognitive behavioral techniques shown to decrease anxiety. Specific topics covered and practiced in group and through homework assignments include dealing with anxiety and other intense emotions, social anxiety, panic attacks, and rumination.

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